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Books in English

1. Natalia Bernal Cano Coauthor and Editor "The value of jurisprudence as a creative source of law".  Collection "Great authors on public law" directed  by Natalia Bernal Cano. Volume 1. European Research Center of Comparative Law. First Edition. 2012.

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2. Natalia Bernal Cano et al. "The cooperation between the judges and the independence of their decisions in comparative law".  European Research Center of Comparative Law. 2013.

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3. Natalia Bernal Cano et al. "The value of jurisprudence as a creative source of law".  European Research Center of Comparative Law. Second Edition. 2015.

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4. Natalia Bernal Cano "Harmony among the judges". European Research Center of Comparative Law. First Edition. 2015. Second Edition revised and updated 2016.

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5. Natalia Bernal Cano "The judge and the immediate protection of fundamental rights". European Research Center of Comparative Law First Edition 2013. Second Edition 2015. Third Edition Revised and Updated 2016.

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6. Natalia Bernal Cano "The normative sources of Comparative Constitutional Law". European Research Center of Comparative Law First Edition. 2017.

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7. Natalia Bernal Cano "The right to information about the risks of induced abortion". European Research Center of Comparative Law Second Edition. 2017.

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Books in Spanish

1. Natalia Bernal Cano. dir. Coautora y Editora. "El valor de la jurisprudencia como fuente creadora de derecho". Serie de Estudios Colectivos Volúmen 1. 2012. Coautores: Natalia Bernal Cano, Michel Fromont, Patrick Taillon, Marie Françoise Rigaux, Michel Verpeaux, Fabrizio Cassella, Toni M. Fine, Rose Nguyen Thi Hong

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2. Natalia Bernal Cano. Traductora. Stephen Gardbaum, "La estructura comparativa de los derechos constitucionales". Traducción del inglés. Publicada por European Research Center of comparative law. 2012.

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3. Natalia Bernal Cano Directora, Coautora y traductora de varias lenguas al español. Coautores: Natalia Bernal Cano, Brigitte Bierlein, Gaetano Silvestri, Marie Deschamps, Francis Delpérée. "La Cooperación entre los jueces en la defensa de los derechos y la independencia de sus decisiones en el Derecho Comparado”. European Research Center of Comparative Law. 2013.

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4. Peter Häberle "Pädagogische Briefe an einen jungen Verfassungsjuristen" "Cartas pedagógicas a un joven constitucionalista" Capítulo preliminar y traducción del alemán al español por Natalia Bernal Cano.

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5. Natalia Bernal Cano. "Armonía entre los jueces y aplicación razonable del derecho". European Research Center of Comparative Law. 2015.

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6. Natalia Bernal Cano "El derecho a la información sobre los riesgos y efectos de la interrupción voluntaria de la gestación". European Research Center of Comparative Law. 2016.


7. Natalia Bernal Cano "Fundamentos de Derecho Constitucional Comparado". European Research Center of Comparative Law. 2017.

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8. Natalia Bernal Cano "La interpretación de la Norma de Normas". European Research Center of Comparative Law. 2017.

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Books in French

1. Natalia Bernal Cano "Le contrôle de constitutionnalité sur recours d'un individu". European Research Center of Comparative Law. 2014.

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5. Enrique Gil Botero et Natalia Bernal Cano "La responsabilidad del poder público/La responsabilité de la puissance publique". Chapitre  préliminaire et traduction de l'espagnol vers le français de Natalia Bernal Cano. European Research Center of Comparative Law. 2014.

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2. Natalia Bernal Cano "Le modèle unique de contrôle de constitutionnalité". European Research Center of Comparative Law. 2015.

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3. Natalia Bernal Cano "Le dommage provoqué par l´Etat et sa réparation". European Research Center of Comparative Law. 2015.

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4. Natalia Bernal Cano "La protection de la personne contre la loi qui l´affecte". European Research Center of Comparative Law. 2015.

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5. Natalia Bernal Cano "Le droit à l´information sur les risques de l´interruption volontaire de la grossesse". European Research Center of Comparative Law. 2017.

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